Thursday 5 November 2015

Discovering Kahoot

If you want your young learners feeling motivated and learning in a funny and competitive way, use Kahoot!
Kahoot is a free-game based learning platform where you can design your own tests for any subject and for learners for any age. You can play using any device, desktop or laptop with a web browser.

Here you go with a kahoot designed by myself about Barcino (in spanish)

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Free Images

When creating your own materials resources for teaching you can use the following websites for downloading free pics. 
Easy and quick! 

Why we have to use ICT in Primary Education?

There are several reasons for using ICT in Primary Education.
Let's go with some:

  • Our students are digitale natives, they have been familiar with digital technology from a young age.
  • ICT resources stimulate students creativity and interaction between them.
  • Students will gain skills for lifelong learning.
  • Internet provide us several tools and resources to incorporate and adapt in our classes. Take profit of that!

A great discover: Symbaloo

Symbaloo is the website I have always dreamt! 
All of you know that a great teacher has to be a good-planner and well- organised. Since we are using a lot of website pages, programs and links, using Symbaloo you can organised all your material like a dash board. You can also create your webmix and share with other users. It's plenty of opportunities have a look at it: